Thursday, 26 June 2014

Making Connections between characters

We are learning to make connections between Tim Rayan and Kel Rayan. 

Friday, 13 June 2014

My diamante poem

I am learing to use adjectives verbs  and adverbs in my writing to make it more interesting.  It was tricky to fit in the ing words.  My next step is to use more  describing wordes to make my writing more interesting for  the reder.  I am prawd of my poem because I uesd lots of ing wrodes in my poem.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

fence we thourght this is when we went to QueensTown this is QeensTown airport this is Me and my sister sitting on Queenstow to was wonderfull  we went to lots of places in the north island in Queenstown it snowed allot 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Planning for my Writing

I wrote about my holiday.  I needed to write some details.  It is sometimes tricky to think of words.  I can use the Ws like what why where to help me add the details.  I am proud of my spelling in my writing.