Monday, 27 July 2015

Term 3 Week 2

On Tuesday room 28/29 made some poster's. First we had to search motivactinal quotes or learning quotes   then we had to make a list of five and chose 1. Then we had to write what you think it means when we did that we had to go on a website to create our poster called 
and we had to write the quote that we wanted and write it on the poster and chose a background. Next we could mess around with the fonts when you did that you could show to the teacher

Thursday, 23 July 2015

My Poster

I used this background because it goes well
with the white writing and it looks awesome

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Planting Day

on Monday room 28/29 went to plant some trees behind the field. First when we got there we had to choose a buddy I chose Jayden so then we got a shovel that as a dark tan colour so we chose our plant. Next we made a square in the dirt we made it really deep then we got  a firtilaser tablet to put in the bottom then we put the plant in. After that we planted our next planted our next plant and re did the whole process again Jayden and I thought it was hard to dig a deep hole. Then we planted a 3rd plant which was really tricky because it was near lots of clay so we got help from Paul  to 2 dig our hole. Paul did it really fast hen Jayden and I put the plant in so we went to do our 4th one. Finally Mrs Melville said " time yo go" so then we had to wash our hands when we did that we had to line up after  Jayden,Daniel and I played last man standing for a while. Then we went back to class. Overall I had a lot of fun with Jayden planting trees !!!! My favourite part was when I put my foot on the shovel to dig holes I said "the foot of justice!"

                                                                                   My Reflection

I thought it was tricky to dig with lots of clay around
me and Jayden had a lot of fun