Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Math Evidance

My reflection
This activity was about math reading problems.
I thought it was easy because I know my 9 times tables so if I know 9 times tables I know division. Next time I could do it another way

Monday, 19 September 2016

Basic Facts

My reflection
This activity was about multiplication canoe problems
I thought it was  hard because it was like 67x8 so I asked Daniel for  bit of help. Next time I could do this again so I get better at math

Friday, 16 September 2016


My reflection
This activity was about solving money problems.I thought it was easy because all we did was add the equation to get the answer and the other group had to multiply it . Next time I could do it a different way


My reflection
This activity was about solving money problems.I thought it was easy because all we did was add the equation to get the answer and the other group had to multiply it . Next time I could do it a different way


My reflection
This activity was about division.
I thought it was hard because I am not that good at division. Next time I could do times tables

Monday, 12 September 2016

Basic Facts

My reflection
I thought it was easy because me and Daniel were racing so i contradicted more. This activity was about solving math multiplication problems. Next time I could not race Daniel and concentrate more.

Friday, 9 September 2016


My reflection
This activity was about solving really fun math problems. I thought this activity was easy because Mrs H did not set me any tasks =(. Next time ask for Mrs H to set me tasks

Thursday, 8 September 2016


My Reflection
At digikids we learnt a new website called thinglink where we take normal images and make labels and put videos and music onto the image to


My reflection
This activity was about roman numerals. I thought this was hard because I am bad at roman numerals. Next time I the future I could use the roman numerals chart a lot more


My reflection
This activity was about doing math problems. I thought this activity was easy because I have done Mathletics plenty of times before. Next time I could do more tasks than live mathletics

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The Dark Knight Rises

My reflection
this activity was about making a batman slideshow.
I thought this activity was easy because I just made it up as I went. Next time I could just plan it so I know what to write

Hour Of Code Activity

My reflection
Code means telling the computer what to do and it will do it.

This activity was about code we used blockly to tell the Character what to do. I thought this activity was easy because I have already done it at digi kids. Next time I could to an activity I have not already done 

My Certificates

Monday, 5 September 2016

E-ako maths

This activity was about making 10. I thought it was easy because I knew all the questions. Next time I could do making 30

All Forces

This activity was about forces we had to find what the force meant. I thought this activity was easy because I just googled it. Next time I should not google the whole thong

Space Race Multiplication

This activity was about multiplication.
I thought this activity was easy because I knew all the questions. Next time I could do something different. 

Step up to the plate story tool box

This activity was hard because I did not really understand the book

The story about Prince Buttsmagie

My reflection
This activity was about writing  we had to make up a funny story to upload. I thought this activity was easy because i made it up as I went. Next time I could plan it.

Showing Gravity

 My reflection
This activity was about showing when gravity pulls stuff down.I thought this activity was easy because I already knew what I was going to do. Next time I could make it up as I go

Under the mountain reading activity

My reflection
This activity was about the book we were reading Under the mountain.
I thought this activity was easy because when Mrs H was reading it told us what the word meant. Next  time I could research

Olympics A-Z challenge

 My reflection
This activity was about writing we had to find words that involved Olympic relevant  words.
I thought this activity was hard because I could not find the words. Next time I could try to find words quicker

Mathletics Division

This activity was about division problems.
I thought this activity was easy because it basically told you the answers at the top. Next time I could do something harder.

Chariots of fire

My reflection
This activity was about a slow motion running race for a remix of a running race video with Mr.Bean.
I thought this activity was easy because I was not in much of it and I thought it was easy because Marco slapped me in the back . Next time I could be someone who was in the whole thing.

Step up to the plate The great word game

This activity was about a reading game it has words we have to spell from the book and we can use clues.I thought this activity was easy because when I used one clue I knew the word. Next time I could try without clues.