Tuesday, 21 March 2017

La Tomatina

My Reflection

I was able to complete this activity

Next time I could use better language choices for my slides

Camp MERC Certificate

My Reflection

 I thought Camp MERC was really fun because we got to do cool activities my favourite part of camp was the food and my favourite activity was Stack'Em and the Giants Ladder

My Word Clarification

Walt: Actively seek to extend my knowledge of new vocabulary

I was not able to always add new words but sometimes I do and sometimes I don't

Next time I could have my computer ready for new words that I could add in 

Monday, 20 March 2017

Camp MERC Acrostic Poem

My Reflection

Walt: Edit and revise my writing for clarity and impact in response to feedback

I got some feedback from Daniel he pointed out that it said cool amazing activities so he said why don't you change it to awesomely cool amazing activities to do

Next time I could use more interesting words and use a Thesaurus and try to use some more interesting words I could also sit next to some that gives really good feedback