Friday, 28 July 2017


Walt: To make a prediction based on the cover and blurb of Ghost by Jason Reynolds

My Reflection

I was able to answer all the questions and make predictions I also looked at the pictures and I thought the boy was running away from a ghost but he was not

Next time  could make better predictions by looking at the cover and blurb more

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Usain Bolt

Walt: Locate and evaluate information about Usain Bolt on the internet.

My Reflection

I was able to Locate and evaluate information about Usain Bolt on the internet.

I thought it was easy to find facts about Usain Bolt because I just went on top 10 facts about Usain Bolt

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Matariki Phases Of The Moon

My Reflection

 Our class was learning about the moon for Matariki we learnt about the phases of the moon I thought it was very interesting I learnt that there is 8 phases of the and I also learnt a full moon happens once a month