Friday, 3 February 2017

Welcome Post

This Year I am feeling excited and  because I get cool jobs and I am looking forward to camp. Also I am looking forward to doing reading because I really like 

My Goals this year are

  • Get 100 gold ticks
  • To get the most tokens for my house group
  • To improve a lot in my learning 
  • To not forget to go to my wet day class


Christian said...

I have achieved 2 of my goals and I am going to still try to get 100 ticks and I will try to get lots of tokens so Rimu will win the fun day again. But I don't think I will get 100 ticks this term but I will still try my best to get 100 ticks.

Christian said...

The goals I completed was to not forget my wet day class and ti improve in my learning and the rest I did not accomplish sadly but I think I did good for this year.!